So I previously did a pic of the 4th Doctor/Tom Baker (my personal fav) but i decided to do one of the 10th Doctor/David Tennant who is also a very cool incarnation of the character...
Maybe someday i'll draw the other Doctors...Who knows?

I guess i never posted the one of Tom Baker on my blog, so here he is...
i need one of these.
him and baker battle it out for my favorite looks for the doc.
Great David Tennet/Doctor, looking forward to seeing future drawings of Troughton & Pertwee!!!
YES!!! I have been meaning to ask about this and here we are on the same dork wavelength.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
That said, is there any way of getting a higher res version? I would kill for a nice big one...
hey, where can we find the tom baker one?
LOVE LOVE LOE your work!
Nerd ALert! These are fantastic!
Hey Dave,
Thanks for adding the Autumn Society to your link list. Feel free to post or share anything you'd like. For instance an ad for your threadless tshirt designs would be cool....and get more votes too. hehe.
Peace man and I look foward to seeing you, Derby, and Tom sometime!
~El Capitan Game, a.k.a Chogrin~
So nice
I am a die hard fan of the "DoctorWho" series yet I never thought of illustrating them.
I just bought these two mini illustrations via your Etsy store. Thanks! My boyfriend is going to LOVE these. They will be framed and put in his Christmas stocking. (Also got the Shaun of the Dead minis. LOVE THEM!)
these are amazing! erm ok.. yeah thy're good.. gooood :)
random nerd
Wow! Some awesome stuff here. I'm really enjoying your work. I love your style!
Also glad to meet a fellow Whovian. I did my own drawing of #10 a while back: Doctor #10
I stumbled upon your blog today, and I love your style. Your Doctor Who illustrations are awesome!!!
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