Me with the actor Taimak who played 'Bruce' Leroy Green in the 1985 classic, Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon. I gave him one of the prints i made...

Edwin from Teddy Scares with Li'l Scamp...

So friends of ours, Jeff and Korinne, came down from Mass-a-chew-such, and he proposed to her in Artist Alley via this drawing done of all her fav superheroes by myself (Spidey), Amanda Conner (Power Girl), Khoi Pham (Ms. Marvel), Joe Linsner (Dazzler), Tom Whalen (Iron Man), Scott Derby (Wolverine), Pat McMullen (Capt. America) & Billy Tucci (Black Cat)

She said Yes...

What an action packed Wizard World 2009!